Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Steps to Self-Reliance:

a.) Assume responsibility
b.) be informed
c.) know where you going
d.) make your own decisions


           -According to my sister Emma, "For her, self-reliance makes you more confident and be comfortable by yourself, or improve your personality". 

Self-reliance is reliance on one's own powers and resources rather than those of others. 

Sometimes, we feel something that we are not sure that we can do it. We feel like this:

"But, which step have you reached today?"
-tell me honestly??

We can't do things if we don't have confidence in ourselves. We don't BELIEVE in ourselves.. Which means we don't rely on ourselves...

\Everything is possible, just work it with your faith in God and in yourself. Just try to try, experience is the best teacher. How will you know if you can actually do it?, or How will  you know if your good at it without trying.. Every part of our life needs relying towards others and yourself. 


  1. Found your site via Blogs by Christian Women. I think we all have those moments of self-doubt but you are right we never know what we can accomplish unless we get busy taking faith-filled action. Wishing you a week full of peace and productivity.
